Tomorrow, May 13, at 3:30pm Eastern time, 12:30pm Pacific, we will be hosting Dr. J. Mark Beach of Mid-America Reformed Seminary at Covenant Radio. Our program will focus on his book,
"Piety's Wisdom: A Summary of Calvin's Institutes with Study Questions" published by Reformation Heritage Books. This book is an extremely valuable addition to the large number of works concerning Calvin and The Institutes of the Christian Religion published in the last couple of years in honor of Calvin's Quincentenary. Bill and I hope you have the opportunity to listen live to the program, which can be reached during the broadcast at
http://live.covenantradio.com . Alternatively, as always, you can download the podcast from our main Covenant Radio site. During the program we will take callers at our toll free number, 1 (877) 439-2962.
To stay abreast of our upcoming programs, check us out at the
Covenant Radio blog.
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